About Training

 As i have received requests for training from time to time in the past , I create this tab to consolidate the requests . Pse email bille33333@gmail.com  if you are  interested  in any trading courses  .. Leave behind name, hp no,  trading experience, courses attended, blogs followed , results achieved  etc etc  ie. whatever u like to write for me to know you better .. 

 i guess to a trader or trader wannabe , dutifully keeping track for oneself on the accuracy ( & clarity ) of predictions  in a  freebee chat  posted before the event happens against the market chart as it unfolds or advances forward in time  is probably the most transparent & scientifically satisfying way to gauge the consistency & skill of that particular blogger  as a trader ( & teacher ) than any marketing 101 gimmicks  : paid advertisements or hard-sell free previews  or promotional interviews or  'endorsement' by some financial organizations or   fabricating fake trades  , conversation snapshots  & fake testimonies of calls to  conjure up  statistics of   high  success rate  to post on blog   to sell courses   or showing a big trading account with big bucks inside  claiming  most of it came  from trading profits when actually  all came from cash injection with the help of your course fees    etc etc - 挂羊头, 招数层出不穷 .  

over the past 3 years , i constantly get feedback from the public that my live market calls ( in sharejunction and freebee chat  )  have been an eye-opener to them , a kind of revelation rarely seen elsewhere that it might be possible to read or beat the market after all with prescience and precision and  consistency ... 

Classes are arranged in an adhoc manner on a small group basis ( like a private tuition class ) depending on demand( your interest  )  and supply( your time & my time)  ..  

I follow up with my students on facebook ,whatsapp and line chat group for live stock alerts , chart discussions  & longer term predictions     ..   not so much to induce students to trade but to help students get immediate feedback on the effectiveness of their set-ups and also that they can see the predictions unfold as the chart develops  to give them confidence in the method & observe the price action live for themselves at critical turning points as opposed to  "explaining away" or rationalizing after the event using cherry-picking hindsight  ( 以事后诸葛分析法, 有选择性  照猫画虎  敷衍了事  將之合理化) on what has already happened using dubious low probability methods or indicators that bears no relation to the subtle underlying realities of the markets.

see http://sgxswinger.blogspot.sg/p/prescient-calls.html

In the past, I had spent some $100k on trading courses , some learning from world renown market gurus ( and of course even much more on lessons direct from Mr Market himself ) , but invariably most if not all of these courses have failed or disappointed me , always lacking in some critical element , always leading me up the wrong alley , the garden path - to my eventual total disillusionment & doubt on whether it is possible at all to be a consistent trader . 

in my course and maybe my preview as well , i will share with you why most of the techniques taught at these courses are destined to fail ..

but not all has come to waste , one valuable thing i learnt from attending all these courses is that i began to understand how the the public thinks when they trade because the public mind dutifully follow precisely what these courses teach and to blame on poor psychology and money management as a clutch when their core entry/exit strategies fail too often and that is exactly what the big boys want from the public - always blaming on the wrong thing so that the public never learn the truth of the markets , which probably explains why the public loses money time after time to the big boys.  I will elaborate more  of this  in my previews.

the coarse outline is tentatively set as follows( subject to changes -- will elaborate more at the previews before you sign up) :

 Advanced stock operator maneuvers & swing secrets and index trading : Anticipating, Catching & Riding market waves with the big boys who manipulate the markets:

Understanding why companies list on the stock exchange

Understand the nature of market waves
Understanding the public mind when they trade
What the trading education market teaches the public
Understanding the newsflow 

Understanding the stock analyst mind when they analyse
Understanding the big boy minds when they operate, how they rig the market in their favor, how they create panic and excitement , fear and hope

Understanding & detecting false breakouts ,  covert & overt buying and selling . 
Vivid lessons & war stories from the past : my million dollar wins & losses in the stockmarket, how the  story of 3 kingdoms & the 36 strategems of deception is being applied in the markets everyday
Understanding your own mind & timeframe when you trade
Understanding & reading the often misunderstood forces of supply and demand
Understanding beyond the cliches of money management rules & trading psychology or behavioural finance ;

keeping a trading journal & avoiding overtrading impulses
Understanding  sector rotations &  phases of accumulation/distribution/markup/markdown.
determining precise entry / exits & risk/ reward directly from the charts & position sizing /scaling, where to place stops , take profits , protect capital
Understanding & using leveraged instruments : eg. warrants , futures & options

How to trade the indexes like a pro - STi, Dow , Dax etc overnite and intraday . 
How to do contra trading with zero capital  - enter just minutes to hours before breakout and exit before T+5 
Exploiting inter market correlations
entering before breakouts , entering on reactions and entering on the turn
Calling tops & bottoms : knowing when fear and euphoria is at its zenith
go through many examples of prescience and precision( click here)  ...

post-course followup activities:  live chatrooms & live sessions , revision & new technqiue sharing classes etc 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how much is the course i just finish studying!!! email me can? nos_paul@hotmail.com